Cannabis culture describes a social atmosphere or series of associated social behaviors that depends heavily upon cannabis consumption, particularly as an entheogen, recreational drug and medicine.
What is 7 10 in cannabis culture?
710, or 7/10, is widely considered to be a holiday for consuming cannabis oil products, including dabs and concentrates. If you turn 710 upside down it spells OIL, a word that's used to describe cannabis products that are highly potent (hash oil, shatter, wax, resin, etc.) 710 day occurs annually on July 10th, or 7/10.
Guide: Best recipes for weed tea
Published on May 23, 2022 • Last updated September 28, 2022
Cannabis-infused tea, like edibles, allows you to consume cannabis without the harshness that can come with smoking or vaping. But unlike edibles, your weed tea won’t contain most food allergens and is much faster to prepare at home. You can make it in a variety of ways using all kinds of different ingredients and parts of the plant, depending on your personal preferences. A few popular methods for making weed tea are:
- Infusing water with dry cannabis flower (less intoxicating because THC is not water-soluble)
- Mixing cannabis infused with a fat (e.g., coconut oil, butter, etc.) with tea leaves and water to make a latte-type beverage
- Adding a cannabis tincture to tea
It all depends on how you want to feel, so here’s everything you need to know to make the perfect cuppa.
Cannabis tinctures 101: How to make, consume, and dose them
Does weed tea get you high?
If prepared correctly, marijuana tea absolutely gets you high. But making a marijuana-infused tea that consistently provides an intoxicating high isn’t as simple as you might think. Accessing THC in the plant can be a little finicky thanks to decarboxylation and cannabinoid solubility factors, but fear not; once you understand a few simple concepts, it’s all green fields from there!
Cannabis plants naturally produce the non-intoxicating compound THCA, which is THC but with an extra carboxyl ring that impedes the high we feel. Decarboxylation removes that ring via a heating process, converting THCA to THC and activating different medicinal and intoxicating properties. This may sound complicated, but the heat applied to cannabis when smoking or vaporizing to provoke decarboxylation requires no extra effort on our part. The process also naturally occurs when cannabis is cooked with butter or oils, or when hash or kief are added to a favorite recipe and then heated on a stove for edibles.
If you choose to decarboxylate your cannabis using a heating method before adding it to the tea, remember that the optimal time and temperature for decarboxylation will vary depending on the following factors:
- The amount of moisture (water) in your product
- How much product you use (i.e., dosage)
- The type of oven you have access to (e.g., gas or electric)
3 different ways to decarboxylate cannabis at home
How long does weed tea take to kick in?
Like edibles, weed tea has to pass through your stomach for digestion, and then gets metabolized in your liver. This takes a lot longer than smoking weed, which hits you in a couple minutes via absorption in the lungs. You may have to wait an hour or two to start to feel the effects, but the tea’s effects will likely last longer and feel more intense than smoking.
When drinking weed tea, and consuming edibles in general, start low and go slow. Drink a cup and wait at least an hour; you can always make another one (or enhance it with our tips below) if you don’t feel anything.
How much weed do you need for weed tea?
How much weed you need for weed tea depends on how much you’re making and how intense you want it to be. If you plan to use one gram of cannabis flower that tests at 20% THC, that’s as many as 200 mg you could be imbibing, although it’s unlikely you’ll actually ingest the bud’s full potential due to digestion and decarboxylation.
If you’re planning to use dry flower, you may need more than if you are using an infused fat-based product like butter or oils, as THC is fat-soluble and binds better to them than to water. The recipes below use a relatively low amount of cannabis flower, but they’re easily adaptable if you need to experiment to find your ideal dose.
How many grams of stems do I need to make weed stem tea?
We’ve all had those bad days that get worse when we realize “crap, we’re out of weed!” That’s when those piles of stems come in clutch. While weed stems do contain a little THC, you’re looking at about 0.3% at best, so you’re going to need a lot of them, especially if you have a high tolerance; we recommend you start with half a cup’s worth if you have it. Given they are more fibrous than cannabis buds, the steeping process may take longer, but you can make weed effective tea using stems. We do recommend, however, that you try to incorporate some amount of flower for best results.
Can I use dabs for weed tea?
If you ever find yourself with some quality concentrates and no way to dab them, you can in fact steep them with your favorite tea blend. Like flower, any concentrate you plan to use in a weed tea needs to be decarboxylated either via the hot water or before use.
Because dabs are oil-based, they will bind better to the lipids in coconut oil, cream, or butter rather than just directly mixing them in water. Many extracts use solvents, so you may want to use a full-spectrum and solventless dab like rosin to get the job done, which also has a lower temperature threshold than shatter or live resin diamonds.
How to make edibles with concentrates and dabs
Weed tea recipes
We’ve got two effective and tasty weed tea recipes to share, and two in-a-pinch alternatives if you’re in a weed bind. The recipe for cannabis tea with rose and chamomile can be adapted a million and one ways—simply use your tea leaf or flower of choice along with ground cannabis (or stems!) and steep your worries away. The cannabis-infused golden milk with coconut oil has ample anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits—the most luxurious way to end the night.
We highly recommend using a tea infuser and some form of sieve for these recipes to ensure the tea mixture steeps for the necessary amount of time, and to filter out any plant matter when you’re ready to take a sip. These are not necessary, but your tea may not hit the way you want without them.
Cannabis tea with rose and chamomile
(Monica Lo/@sousweed for Leafly)
Serves 1
Prep time: 5 minutes
Steep time: 5-10 minutes
Dosage: We recommend 2 tsp for this recipe, but it depends on the potency of your cannabis. You can always add more or less depending on your tolerance.
- Cannabis infused honey (optional)
- 2 teaspoons ground cannabis trim, stems, or buds
- Coconut milk (optional)
- 2 teaspoons dried chamomile
- 2 teaspoons dried rose buds
- You can choose to decarboxylate your dried herb beforehand or not. (Again, this depends on whether you’re looking for the benefits of THCA or THC.)
- Add all dried flowers to a tea infuser and steep in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
- Remove the infuser and enjoy with additional cannabis-infused honey and/or coconut milk for added effects.
Cannabis golden milk with medicated coconut oil
(Monica Lo/@sousweed for Leafly)
Serves 1
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Dosage: This depends on the potency of your cannabis coconut oil. You can always add more or less depending on your tolerance.
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 1” piece fresh turmeric, unpeeled, thinly sliced, or 1/2 teaspoon dried turmeric
- 1 ½” piece ginger, unpeeled, thinly sliced
- 1/4 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
- 1 Tbsp coconut oil (cannabis-infused or not)
- 1 Tbsp honey (cannabis-infused or not)
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon, for serving
- Whisk almond milk, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, honey, peppercorns, and 1 cup water in a small saucepan; bring to a low boil.
- Reduce heat to a simmer and add the cannabis coconut oil.
- Simmer for about 10 minutes, or until flavors have melded together.
- Strain through a fine-mesh sieve (you can also use a cheesecloth or coffee filter) into mugs and top with a dash of cinnamon.
Bottoms up!
How to make weed stem tea
If all you have is stems, you can still follow our first recipe for making stem tea. However, because of the difference in potency, your ratio of ingredients will differ.
Serves 1
Prep time: 5 minutes
Steep time: 10 minutes
Dosage: You won’t know for sure until you try it
- At least 1/4 cup weed stems
- 1 Tbsp of a fat-soluble binding agent, such as butter or coconut oil
- Your tea leaves/blend of choice
- You can decarb your stems before steeping or simply grind them before boiling, depending on the feeling you’re trying to achieve.
- Boil the amount of water you plan to use, i.e., 1 cup for a more concentrated tea, 2-3 cups for a diluted buzz.
- Add the binding agent to the water before you insert the stems with your tea of choice in a tea infuser.
- Steep the infuser in hot water for at least 10 minutes. You may want to steep the tea and stems in separate infusers or bags to avoid unpleasant stemmy flavor.
How to make cannabis plant (compost) tea
Waste not, want not. If you’ve been hanging on to your home grow or just happen to have a bunch of weed you don’t want to smoke, one of the easiest ways to use it up is to make a weed compost tea. You can follow the same recipe for stem tea using the leaves, old buds and any other plant matter you have lying around.
Cannabis Potency: How Does Lab Testing for THC and CBD Work?
How to make weed tea more potent
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the tea just won’t hit you like you want or need it to. Luckily, there are numerous ways you can up the dosage if your initial tea is lacking in the THC department.
Add kief
When in doubt, bust the grinder out. Kief is made up of fallen trichomes, so they’re an easy way to bump up your dosage. Add them to your stem, compost or flower material during the steeping process. Keep in mind that because it’s impossible to tell how much THC is in your kief, you won’t be able to predict the high.
Incorporate a tincture
The tinctures you find in dispensaries have been decarbed already, so you don’t need to do anything to activate the THC. Oil and water don’t mix well, so you may want to opt for a glycerin or alcohol based tincture rather than one made with oil.
Simply add your desired number of drops based on the potency (most tinctures recommend you start with half a dropper’s worth, equivalent to 0.5 ml) to your tea and stir. If you use any milk or creamer, you can also add an oil-based tincture to that for better consistency.
Many medical patients swear by Rick Simpson Oil for its laundry list of medicinal benefits and even life-saving properties. It’s also really strong, to the point where doctors recommend weeks-long regiments to acclimate one’s tolerance.
RSO has a thick, honey-like consistency and less-than-pleasant flavor, but its potency means you don’t need much; you can substitute the coconut oil with a half rice-grain’s worth of RSO in the golden milk recipe if you’re feeling bold, or add it to your tea infuser for the steeping process.
Who is Rick Simpson and what is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?
Is cannabis tea more potent than smoking and edibles?
Everyone’s unique physiology means the same edible can have vastly different effects on each consumer. Additionally, since you’re making weed tea at home, you don’t know exactly how much you’re going to get. Concentrates are the most potent form of cannabis, and you can certainly brew a cup of dab-infused weed tea that knocks even the OGs on their ass, if that’s your prerogative.
Smoking cannabis limits how much THC you can inhale, but the intoxicating effect is almost instant and relatively short-lived. The slower onset of weed tea via digestion also leads to a high with higher dose potential, and you may opt for more intensity. Either way, we wish you a happy, hazy tea party.
What Does Cannabis Culture Mean?
Cannabis culture is a term used to describe a shared set of beliefs, ideals, and practices among marijuana enthusiasts. When compared to other cultures, cannabis culture is relatively loose and not strongly delineated, but it is nevertheless present.
Whether discussing new strains in development, new consumption methods like oils and shatters, or the health benefits associated with cannabinoids, cannabis enthusiasts share a strong bond through their shared culture.
Maximum Yield Explains Cannabis Culture
Cannabis culture is constantly evolving and spans the entire globe. In fact, it has become a huge legitimate industry as well. While there are significant differences in how one group of enthusiasts might behave or believe as compared to another group on the other side of the globe, the fact remains that they have more things in common than in ways they differ.
Cannabis culture is expressed in any number of different ways. One of those is through the accessories and tools used to consume marijuana in one form or another. For instance, show a marijuana enthusiast a one-hitter, and chances are good they’ll be able to immediately identify it, no matter where in the world they might be from. The same is true for other accessories, ranging from blunt wrappers to roach clips, rolling papers and bongs.
However, there are other ways that this culture has grown and evolved. For instance, indoor growing has implications for all types of vegetable and fruit production, but it has even greater associations with marijuana growing. The term “grow lamp” conjures up images of cannabis plants growing indoors for most people, rather than cabbages or corn.
Cannabis culture runs even more deeply – it can be seen in the way that members of the culture share knowledge and transmit ideas, especially through dispensaries, the media, protests, online, and other traditional channels. As cannabis use is legalized, cannabis culture will continue to evolve and include more and more people.
When did stoner culture start?
The contemporary stoner subculture is rooted in the jazz clubs of the 1920s and 30s, later reformed as the Beat subculture of the 1950s.
What is the stoner lifestyle?
Traditionally, a 'stoner' was someone who was reliant on weed and was an addict in training. Also, stoners were said to be high all the time, and incapable of performing tasks to a high level. Instead, they were perceived as 'lazy' individuals with no goals or dreams.
Is it healthy to be a stoner?
The medical side-effects are also significant. Smoking pot increases the risk of lung cancer 8%, according to British and New Zealand studies. It's associated with bronchitis, respiratory infections and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, concluded a New England Journal study.
The Evolution of Marijuana Culture
Marijuana regulation has changed radically over the last few years. Voters in Washington State and Colorado legalized marijuana in the 2012 election, and, with a prescription, almost any Californian can walk into a dispensary and buy the substance. With changing policies come new challenges regarding the economics and culture of marijuana.
First, a regulatory angle. Six months ago, Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. While legalization itself was a struggle for its proponents, the work for implementing the laws is perhaps more complicated.
Washington State Representative Roger Goodman pointed out in a recent meeting that there are no clear answers for how to regulate the recreational use of marijuana.
Creating a safe and legal market for pot, while navigating federal law, which expressly forbids the use of marijuana, is a daunting task, and something that’s never been done before. Austin Jenkins, statehouse reporter for our partner KUOW, in Olympia Washington, explains the implementation of Washington state’s legalization law.
And then we look at the economic angle. Dealers who once made their money on the wrong side of the law are finding their way in a quickly-changing industry. Marianne McCune, reporter for Takeaway co-producer WNYC, caught up with one California dealer who decided to move east, to sell marijuana where it’s still illegal, and therefore more expensive, in New York City.
Finally, dealers like the on McCune interviews have found ready customers in New York City high schools. Two of Takeaway co-producer's WNYC’s Radio Rookies, Temityao Fagbenle and Gemma Weiner, look at pot culture in two different high schools in the city: one public and one private. They compare the way teenagers buy and use marijuana, and the major differences in how schools deal with students who are caught with the substance.
The changing cannabis culture among older Americans: high hopes for chronic pain relief
Older adults in the U.S. are increasingly using cannabis. Theoretical perspectives of scholars who have explained cannabis use include subcultural theory, normalization thesis, and the age-period-cohort paradigm. Our study examined what influences older adults’ cannabis use, and perceived outcomes of cannabis use. From April 2018 to January 2019, we conducted 12 focus groups with 82 adults aged 60 and older in Illinois, where medical cannabis was legally available beginning in 2014. We used an inductive thematic analysis to code and theme the focus group transcripts and compared the results to concepts and arguments of the three theoretical perspectives. We found four themes: cultural experiences influence older adults’ choice to use cannabis; medical culture and systems impact cannabis use; participants have to navigate a costly and time-consuming state system to use medical cannabis, and; participants experience positive outcomes when using cannabis. Although elements of the three theories can be identified in our findings, subcultural influences of baby boomer counterculture were only relevant for a subset of participants, while normalization of medical cannabis use was not supported by a state system separated from traditional medicine. Medical culture, physical age effects, and prior opioid use were very important in explaining older adults’ cannabis use.
Cannabis smoke the good the bad the ugly
The last few days we’ve seen a flurry of activity related to smokable cannabis products. It’s been tough to keep track of everything that’s gone on, so today I’m going to take a page out of legendary Italian director Sergio Leone‘s book and break down the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in all things related to cannabis smoke.
The Good. On September 13, 2019, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana struck down Indiana’s ban on “smokable hemp” deeming it unconstitutional (shout out to Kristen Nichols, editor of Hemp Industry Daily, for covering this case and for linking to the court’s Order at the top of her story).
Why is this decision good? Preemption! When a state law conflicts with federal law, federal law wins due to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. With that in mind let’s take a look at the match-up between Indiana’s smokable hemp ban and the 2018 Farm Bill.
The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”) and defined “hemp” as the Cannabis sativa L. plant with 0.3% or less THC “and any part of that plant, including . . . all derivatives, extracts, [and] cannabinoids . . . whether growing or not[.]” The 2018 Farm Bill did specifically did not preempt states or Indian tribes from passing laws regulating the production of hemp more stringently than federal law. However, the 2018 Farm Bill did explicitly preempt states and Indian tribes from passing laws that “prohibit the transportation or shipment of hemp or hemp products produced in accordance with” the 2018 Farm Bill.
In response to the 2018 Farm Bill, Indiana passed SEA 516 to legalize the commercial production of hemp in Indiana while also criminalizing the manufacture, finance, delivery, and possession of “smokable hemp,” i.e., hemp derivatives that can be introduced to the human body through inhalation. Notably, the ban on smokable hemp did not reference the “production” of hemp. This lead to the Midwest Hemp Council and several other hemp stakeholders to sue Indiana for violating federal law and to enjoin the state from enforcing portions of SEA 516 pending the lawsuit.
To recap, federal law says that states can’t interfere with the right to transport hemp products in interstate commerce. Indiana law says that it’s illegal to manufacture, finance, possess, and deliver certain smokable hemp products and does not limit that prohibition to intrastate activities. The court ruled that the Plaintiffs had a high likelihood of success on challenging SEA 516 as being preempted by the 2018 Farm Bill and granted the injunction.
It’s also worth noting that the court considered Indiana’s legitimate claim that the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill made it difficult for law enforcement to differentiate between hemp and marijuana, especially smokable hemp. However, the court was not convinced that these challenges were enough to justify an outright ban on smokable hemp especially when other options were available (e.g., earmarking funds to purchase THC testing equipment; increasing penalties for knowingly selling marijuana packaged as hemp).
This court order won’t immediately impact states outside of Indiana but does show the impact of the 2018 Farm Bill on all hemp products, including smokable hemp.
The Bad. Donald Trump found out about vaping and announced that his administration would ban flavored vaping products. The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued a News Release shortly after Trump’s announcement stating that:
the FDA intends to finalize a compliance policy in the coming weeks that would prioritize the agency’s enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements for non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes, including mint and menthol, clearing the market of unauthorized, non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarette products.
As this is the Canna Law Blog, you may be wondering how this ban will impact cannabis, including both marijuana and hemp-derived vapor products. We’ll certainly get more insight once the FDA announces its compliance plan referenced above, along with promised guidance on how the FDA will regulate Hemp-CBD generally.
However, even though we don’t have the full picture, we already know this ban is bad policy, and likely to lead to an increase in unregulated and illegal vapor products. To understand this, I want to break down the vapor market into five major categories:
- Legal vapor products containing nicotine or tobacco;
- Illegal vapor products containing nicotine or tobacco;
- Largely unregulated hemp-derived CBD vapor products;
- State-legal marijuana-derived vapor products; and
- Illegal vapor products containing marijuana.
Trump’s ban will have the biggest impact on lawful manufacturers of tobacco products in category one, who can no longer sell flavored vapor products. For years, the FDA has been focused on moving tobacco product manufacturers from category two to category one. The FDA even provides resources specifically designed to allow small businesses to comply FDA regulations in manufacturing tobacco products, which have changed a lot in the last few years.
In 2009, the Tobacco Control Act (“TCA”) granted the FDA regulatory authority over any “tobacco product,” that is, a “product made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product.” In 2016, the FDA expanded its regulatory authority to include as e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes and waterpipes. Trump’s ban isn’t going to make it easier for the FDA to get illicit manufacturers to “buy in.”
Trump’s ban is also likely to cast a shadow on categories three and four: manufacturers of Hemp-CBD and state-legal marijuana vapor products. The FDA’s website (here and here) seems to suggest that the agency currently does not interpret “tobacco products” so broadly as to include products free of nicotine or tobacco. Accordingly, it’s plausible that the FDA will not enforce Trump’s ban to explicitly ban Hemp-CBD and marijuana vapor products that are nicotine or tobacco-free.
Despite these jurisdictional issues that may limit the FDA’s enforcement ability, Trump’s ban places a target on all flavored vape products. This could mean seizures of cannabis-based vapor products in states where they are legal. It could also cause state regulators to ban certain marijuana and hemp vapor products.
In reality, the only products that won’t be impacted are likely marijuana and tobacco vapor products that are currently being manufactured illegally under federal and state law.
The Ugly. People are getting sick and dying as a result of vape-related illnesses and it’s likely going to get worse before it gets better because no one really know what’s going on. Let’s assume for a second that I’m totally wrong about Trump’s ban and it effectively kills the flavored vape market. If that happens do we really think vaping will be safe? Probably not because it doesn’t seem like flavoring is what’s causing illness and death.
What about vitamin E acetate? On September 6, a few days before Trump’s ban was announced, the Washington Postreported that FDA investigators found vitamin E acetate present in samples of cannabis oil linked to vaping illnesses across the country. Vitamin E acetate is an oil derived from vitamin E that naturally occurs in certain foods like almonds and olive oil. It’s found in topical products and dietary supplements. However, it’s very dangerous when inhaled. This is a chilling reminder that otherwise harmless articles can be dangerous when inhaled.
To further complicate things, vitamin E acetate may not even be the biggest problem. In a warning about THC vaping products the FDA wrote:
No one substance has been identified in all of the samples tested. Importantly, identifying any compounds that are present in the samples will be one piece of the puzzle but will not necessarily answer questions about what is causing these illnesses.
Scientific American also reports that though these vaping illnesses are popping up across the country, the symptoms vary wildly from person to person. This is an ugly, and frankly scary situation with more questions than answers.
We’ll continue to monitor smokable hemp, Trump’s ban, and these troubling vape-related illnesses and report the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Under pressure: Turn a favourite cannabis strain into a flavourful hash concentrate
tips on cannabis strains that taste better as hash
July 4, 2019
When selecting a cannabis strain to press into hash, terpenes are keySageElyse / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Looking to turn a cannabis strain into hash? Certain strains respond more favourably to the process.
- Four myths about cannabis concentrates
- Modern Grower | Concentrates with Precision Extraction Solutions
When selecting a cannabis strain to press into hash, terpenes—the aromatic oils that are secreted from the same plant glands as cannabinoids like THC and CBD—are key. Terpene profiles are responsible for scents such as mint, pine, citrus, floral and berry that are often used to come up with strain names.
Strains high in caryophyllene make the best hash, suggests a new article from Leafly. The pungent and hearty terpene withstands processing well and creates a robust flavour. Caryophyllene is found in aromatic oils like clove and rosemary, and it naturally in spices like oregano, cinnamon, basil and black pepper. Typical strain names with high caryophyllene profiles are Girl Scout Cookies, Lavender and Blueberry Cheesecake.
#Cannabis concentrates provide the most flavorful experience, but some strains are more suited for the process than others. …
Cannabis Strains That Taste Better as Hash
Another excellent terpene for hash concentrates is limonene, which is found in strains like Lemon OG, Hindu Kush, Sour Diesel and Grapefruit. Limonene has a strong citrus profile and is the terpene responsible for the fragrance from fresh citrus fruit peels.
Cannabis concentrates are gaining popularity among adult-use consumers, but many concentrates use involve solvents and oils during the extraction process.
Hash is a solventless concentrate, meaning it does not rely on chemicals or carriers during extraction, but rather utilizes natural processes like dry sifting, pressure techniques and ice water extraction. This keeps the trichomes and terpenes in tack providing a more robust and flavourful experience for the consumer.
Jaw Dropping Benefits Of Smoking Marijuana
According to research by United Nations, more than 150 million people in the world use marijuana. That makes around 3% of the world’s population. However, that should not be surprising because this drug continues to get legalized by many states.
Although marijuana is always seen as a notorious drug, there is no escape from the fact that it has several medical benefits. Despite its harmful side effects as a result of over-consumption, the sales continue to boost every year, and the numbers are rampantly thriving.
Just last year, taxes from the sales of legal marijuana crossed the $1 billion mark.
Why do people use marijuana?
Marijuana is a drug that is extracted from the cannabis plant. This plant is being cultivated in several countries across the globe now. People have their reasons to use it. Most doctors prescribe marijuana drugs owing to the medical benefits it has whereas many smoke it to reduce stress and cut off depression.
Young adults and teenagers are using marijuana more than ever because of its legalization in several states. However, smoking should be done cautiously to avoid any issue. You can consult Grasscity the world’s oldest headshop if you are looking for smoking accessories that can help in using marijuana better.
Medical Benefits of Marijuana
Helps in Chemotherapy Treatment
Chemotherapy treatment is given to patients who suffer from cancer. The aftermaths of the treatment include nausea and vomiting. Smoking marijuana can help in cutting down these aftermaths, thus making a person feel better.
It can relieve chronic pain
This is one of the main reasons why elderly people make frequent visits to marijuana stores to buy it. Marijuana is known to cure chronic pain in the muscle and joints. Though it might not be able to directly cure severe muscle damage or pain, it can surely cut down the chronic pain.
Helps in reducing migraine attacks
Migraines are severe headaches that disturb a patient’s routine completely. One who goes through these attacks can exactly tell what they’re going through. Marijuana helps cope with these attacks and provides relief to a patient. Marijuana is inclusive of cannabinoids which are strong activators of the endocannabinoid system.
Can help in cutting down Alzheimer
Alzheimer is a widely growing disease across the globe. The potential damage is inclusive of the loss of brain cells. There are some hormones excreted by the brain that kill the cells in it. Marijuana can help by forming plaque enzymes which will stop the process of dying brain cells.
Marijuana can help in reducing high blood pressure
Patients who suffer from hypertension are at great risk of heart strokes and nervous breakdown. Though it is still not confirm as to how the mechanism works but a study from 1979 did conclude that it helps in cutting down hypertension. Moreover, people who suffer from the issue have reported to having a stabilized heartbeat after marijuana intake.
Helps in reducing anxiety
Overconsumption of marijuana is the major cause of anxiety but reverse done; it can help in reducing it. People who smoke marijuana have deduced that it reduces anxiety and relieves their stress.
Can Cure Sleep Disorders
People with sleep disorders are often prescribed with marijuana. This is true; the drug can be used to treat patients who suffer from multiple issues related to sleep. Many people often complain of sleepless nights, nightmares and hallucinations. Smoking marijuana before bed or taking it in a drug form can help in getting a good night sleep.
Helps in reducing Acne breakouts
Acne is a major skin disease that affects many people globally. Not only does it make a person look less appealing but also disrupts the routine life of an individual in terms of communicating with the rest of the world. Acne breakouts result from over-production of a hormone in the skin. Marijuana can help by stopping the production of that element.
Lastly, marijuana has several other benefits that are lesser known to people. The legalization of the drug is enough evidence that suffices for the notion of medical benefits. The use of marijuana continues to grow with higher revenues for the manufacturers and more taxes for the state. It is no wonder that a drug that was infamous at once is now famous for all the right reasons in the medical industry.
May 20/2019
Jaw Dropping benefits of smoking Marijuana
According to research by United Nations, more than 150 million people in the world use marijuana. That makes around 3% of the world’s population. However, that should not be surprising because this drug continues to get legalized by many states. Although marijuana is always seen as a notorious drug, there is no escape from the fact Read the full article...